Say goodbye to

endless swiping

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No pointless swiping

No silly games, no waiting in suspense to see if someone will swipe back. Just clear communication and understanding who you match best with.

Safety first

No dodgy profiles, no bots, no scams and most important of all, no walking red flags pretending to be humans. We manually verify every person.

Science meets love

6+ years of research, the occasional broken heart and a small collection of dreadful experiences on other apps led to the creation of Koiji.

That Last

We spent six years with philosophers and psychologists to pin point the core values that determine who you are and how you view the world. This is the basis for our matching logic.

Our alpha test comprised of over 2,500 people and helped validate and refine our matching logic to the point where we felt confident it was time to build it into the app and finally let people find out for themselves.

Beta Testers
User Satisfaction
Research Timeline
6 Years
Community Growth
Find The One
With Safety
Intro Message (Coming Soon)
First impressions matter but safety matters more. Any user can message you and introduce themselves but its up to you to reply to them to unlock messaging. If you don’t reply the message will be hidden after 72 hours.
100% Verification
It takes longer but we manually verify every single person who come to Koiji. We feel other apps leave to much to chance and we wanted to change that.